Greetings Future Flight Attendants!
#FlightBaeB here to teach you a thing or two about the flight attendant interview process.

If you are new here, my name is Brenda Orelus, affectionately referred to as Flight Bae B! online (IG: @Brenda.Orelus).
In this segment my long time friend @JasonChrystophe and I teach you how you should dress for your flight attendant face to face interview, how to conduct yourself throughout the interview process, pitfalls to avoid and so much more.
Collectively, we have over 12 years of experience and have been hired by 5 different airlines. Both wester and middle eastern carriers.
Together, we go into great detail about the do's and don'ts on how to dress for both men and women. We share common mistakes applicants make, interview etiquette and some funny antidotes about our very own hiring experiences. I hope this information gives you the courage you need to take the leap! Becoming a flight attendant changed our lives and I cannot wait for it to change yours!

I am the founder of @TheFlightAttendantCourse, an online preparatory course for aspiring cabin crew. I teach my students to how to get hired as a corporate or commercial flight attendant, graduate flight attendant training as well as successfully complete their six month probationary period with a commercial airline. As a part of my Free Mini-Course, I am giving you an inside glimpse of what students of #TheFlightAttendnatCourse have access to.
How to Dress for Your Flight Attendant Face 2 Face & Video Interviews (Male & Female)
If you found this video useful feel free to comment, share and enroll. I can't wait to see you in class!
-Flight Bae B!